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A week ago last evening the first of a series of religious meetings was held in the Grand Opera house, Boston. These meetings conducted by the Episcopal City Mission of Boston, are under the personal supervision of Rev. Frederick Palmer, and their character is much like that of the Globe meetings of two years ago. The services consist largely of song, together with a short address each night by Mr. Palmer, and it is hoped to accomplish, by means of this means of this extreme simplicity in the conduct of the gatherings, the object for which the origination's of the plan are working. This object as stated by them is, primarily, to extend a welcoming hand to non-churchgoers, and to encourage them to habits of regular church attendance.

In this respect, as we have said, the meetings greatly resemble the Globe theatre services two winters ago in which Harvard students were so greatly interested. At that time the religious tone and feelings of the university seemed to be undergoing something of a crisis; and it was at that point that the great undergraduate body of men showed, by their enthusiastic support of the Globe meetings, that religious tendencies at Harvard were on the increase rather than the wane. Since that time we believe that the religious life of the men here at Cambridge has grown more healthy, and that the same readiness will be displayed by them in taking a lively interest in the aid and encouragement of the present meetings. The gatherings will be held every Sunday evening for the next eight or ten weeks, and during this time it is expected that the students will show a worthy and practical sympathy in the successful continuance of the services.
