
University Calendar.


Appleton Chapel. 4 p. m. Baccalaureate Sermon to the senior class. Rev. Professor Andrew P. Peabody, D. D.

Week-day morning prayers begin at 8.45 a. m. No seats are assigned, either for officers or classes.

Rev. Alexander McKenzie will conduct prayers till June 20.

Dr. McKenzie may be found at Wadsworth House 1 every week-day from 9-10.


18. TUESDAY.College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 3.30 p. m.

19. WEDNESDAY.Episcopal Theological School. Commencement. Delivery of diplomas. Sermon by the Rev. Percy Browne. Ordination by the Rt. Rev., the Bishop of Massachusetts. St. John's Memorial Chapel, 10.30 a. m.

20. THURSDAY.Academic Council. Stated meeting at University 5, 8 p. m.

21. FRIDAY. (Class Day).Class Day Exercises. Prayer by Rev. Andrew P. Peabody, D. D. Oration by Walter Warren Magee. Poem by Carleton Hunneman. Ivy Oration by Oliver Prescott. Ode by Robert Elkin Neil Dodge. Sanders Theatre, 12.30 a. m.

9 a. m. The senior class will assemble in front of Holworthy and march to Appleton Chapel where prayer will be offered by Rev. A. P. Peabody, D. D.

Immediately after the exercises at the Chapel the class will breakfast at the invitation of President Eliot.

10.15. Sanders Theatre will be open to ticket holders.

10.55. Sanders Theatre will be closed to all but seniors.

10.45. The seniors will form in front of Holworthy and march to Sanders Theatre.

2-5. Music in the yard.

3-5. Dancing in Memorial hall.

4.30. Seats around the tree will be open to ticket holders

5. The senior class will assemble in front of Holworthy, cheer the college buildings and march to the tree. During the exercises at the tree the yard will be cleared and tickets will be required of all persons found in the yard and those who enter thereafter.

8-11. Dancing in the Gymnasium and Memorial hall. Music and illuminations in the college yard.

8.30. The Glee club will sing in front of Holworth.

No return checks will be given out. All people who wish to enter the yard after 5 p. m. must be provided with a yard ticket or a Memorial ticket. A yard ticket will admit until 9 p. m. Memorial tickets admit to the College yard, to Memorial Hall in the afternoon and evening and to the Gymnasium in the evening.

The entrance to Memorial will be at the south door. the exit at the north door.

The entrance to the Gymnasium will be at the main entrance, the exit at the side door facing the Common.

The yard entrances will be between Holworthy and Thayer, Weld and Grays, and between Stoughton and Holden. The exits will be between Matthews and Grays, University and Thayer, and between Holworthy and Stoughton. There will be a special entrance and exit for those coming in carriages between Harvard and Massachusetts. There will also be a special entrance for graduates in front of Harvard.

It will be a great assistance to the committee if the above arrangements are strictly adhered to.

CHARLES MARTIN THAYER, Chairman,GEORGE THOMAS KEYES,JOSEPH HAMBLIN SEARS, Class Day Committee.22. SATURDAY.College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 10 a. m.

25. TUESDAY.Divinity School. Meeting of the alumni at the Chapel of Divinity Hall at 2 p. m. At 4 p. m. at the same place, an address by Rev. Theodore C. Williams on "The Divinity School and the Ministry. Collation at No. 3 Divinity Library at 5 p. m.

26. WEDNESDAY. (Commencement).Board of Overseers. Meeting at Memorial hall, 9 a. m.

Election of Overseers. Massachusetts hall, 10 a. m. till 4 p. m.

Commencement Exercises. Sanders Theatre, 10.30 a. m.

The president and fellows, overseers, faculties and their officers will meet the invited guests and the alumni of the university at Massachusetts hall, at 9.45 a. m., and, escorted by the graduating class, will proceed to Sandres Theatre. The Theatre will be open to ticket-holders at 9.25, and seats will be reserved till 9.55.

Association of the Alumni. Business meeting. Harvard hall, 1 p. m.

Commencement Dinner. Memorial hall, 2.30 p. m.

The alumni and invited guests will assemble in Massachusetts hall, at 2 p. m., and march in procession to Memorial hall. Tickets for the dinner will be for sale at Massachusetts hall from 10 till 2 o'clock. Price One Dollar. Graduates of 1832 and earlier classes are entitled to tickets without payment.

THURSDAY.Examinations for admission to Harvard College, the Law School, the Medical School, and the Lawrence Scientific School.

Phi Beta Kappa. Harvard Chapter. Business Meeting. Boylston Hall Upper Lecture Room, 10 a. m.- Oration by the Hon. Edward J. Phelps, LL. D.- Poem by Percival Lowell, Esq. Sanders Theatre, 12 m.

The public are cordially invited to attend the exercises in Sanders Theatre.

At the conclusion of the exercises the Society will march to Massachusetts Hall, where dinner will be served. Tickets at Sever's University Bookstore.
