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A recent article in the Princetonian, speaking of the disbandment of the Harvard Lacrosse team, says:

"It has been noised about that lack of financial support is the cause of the trouble, but there was no complaint of this kind before Saturday's defeat. It is possible that the thought of Princeton's defeating them, and the knowledge that they would likely do it again next year, has something to do with their present proceedings."

It seems to us that such an insinuation as this in another college paper is both unfair and boastful, not at all in the spirit that should pervade intercollegiate athletics and opinions. Our lacrosse team was forced to disband, as we know, from manifest lack of support, with the conviction that the sport of lacrosse could not be maintained here in future. The men worked hard to beat Princeton, but failed, and took the failure in a manly way. No agreement with Princeton has been cancelled, nothing done with which she could find fault. In face of her success and the unfortunate financial situation of our team, which should only call forth sympathy, such sentiments as the above are very much out of place.

Next Saturday the freshman nine will play its second game with Yale Ninety-two, at New Haven. At present the chances seem to be greatly in favor of Yale, and it will be only by the hardest kind of work that the Harvard men will be able to do the college justice. On that day the Yale university team plays no championship game, and so the freshmen will be able to call upon the members of the 'varsity nine from Ninety-two In addition to this circumstance. Yale will have the advantage of playing on the home ground. It is probable also, that on account of the Harvard-Princeton game, none of our 'varsity players will be allowed to play with the freshmen. It will, therefore be seen that Yale will have almost every advantage on her side. In spite of all this, however, Harvard should have strong chances for success. Careful work during the next three days will go far toward winning the game, if every man does his part heartily and conscientiously. No class since the present seniors were freshmen have beaten the Yale freshmen in both games. It remains for Ninety-two to re-establish this record.

We have little fear that the nine will receive inadequate support from lack of men to go to New Haven to see the game next Saturday. The men in Ninety-two have generally shown themselves eager to support the interests of their class in every way, and it would be little less than dis race, if so few freshmen accompanied the team as to cause complaint from the nine itself.

