
The Freshman Glee Club Concert.

The freshman concert in aid of the freshman crew was given last evening in Lyceum hall with the following progamme:

1, College songs,

(a) A wet sheet and a flowing sea.

(b) Skipper of St. Ives.

2, Darkies patrol. Banjo Club.


3, College songs, (a) The Quaker. Mr. Berry and Glee Club.

(b) Lullaby.

(c) A Capital Ship. Mr. Berry and Glee Club.

4, Brahm's Medley. Banjo Club

5, College songs,

(a) The Skating Song, double quartet and yodler.

(b) Boating Song.

6, National March. Banjo Club

7, College songs,

(a) Imogene Donahue.

(b) Medley.

The concert was entirely up to the standard of former freshman concerts and highly creditable to the two clubs. Though many of the glees werefamiliar to the audience they were, with one or two exceptions, well rendered, and well received. The selections which seemed to find most favor with the andience were "The Skipper of St Ives, and The Capital Ship on the part of the Glee club, while the Banjo club responded to encores of the "Brahm's Medley,' and "National March." Mr. Berry gave his solos with very good effect and the yodling of Mr. Whitman deserves mention.
