

No Headline

At this time last year, the Ninety-one Glee Club had already given two concerts. This year's freshman club will, therefore, have to make a great effort in order to make up the time lost by the comparatively late start. The certainty that there is good material in the club is encouraging, and if faithful work is done by every member there can be little doubt of success. The most important duty for each member at present is to attend every rehearsal. The men need, more than anything else, practice in singing together. It is sure that, however energetic a leader and however much musical talent the club may have, unless the members each show their personal interest in the success of the organization by regular attendance at rehearsals, success will never be gained.

The Freshman Glee Club is in many ways a purely social organization, and its members should feel as warm an interest in its welfare as they would show in any other social club in the college.
