
Chess and Whist Club.


The Chess and Whist Club has decided to hold a whist tournament, open to members only. The next meeting of the club will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 13, and men who intend to enter the contest may notify the secretary then. A book has also been placed at Bartlett's where those not present at the meeting may sign before 8 p. m., Saturday, February 16. Men must choose their partners, and the couples must sign together. Entrance fees of 25c. apiece must be paid on signing. All contestants will meet at the club rooms on Monday, February 18, when play will begin. The rules governing the match and other details will be announced at that time.

The Boston Chess Club has extended a cordial invitation to those members of the Harvard club interested in chess to visit the club rooms, 33 Pemberton Square, Boston, at any time. It is possible that some sort of a match game may be arranged between the two clubs.
