
Intercollegiate Athletics.

Should They be Abolished?

In the last number of the Nation there appeared a letter, signed by "G. W. A.," on the subject of intercollegiate athletics. The writer points out the benefits and the evils, connected with and resultant from intercollegiate contests, and concludes that "these contests are an evil to be abolished."

The advantages which result from intercollegiate contests, the writer says, are: (1) Provincialism is perhaps prevented by association thus brought about between the representatives of the different colleges; a little more unity (not harmony) is created in the college world. (2). College patriotism is increased; no college man likes to see his college beaten; all feel a pride in victory. As to whether this patriotism is of a lofty or even desirable order the writer does not inquire. He says he is unable to state other advantages.

The evils which go hand in hand with intercollegiate contests are: (1). Gambling. The amount of betting on the result of these games is enormous. The gambling spirit becomes so strong and so widespread that he is a rare undergraduate who believes, and lives up to the belief, that obtaining money from another without rendering an equivalent, is but a form of robbery. The cultivation of this spirit among the young men who should occupy places of leadership in the business and professional world is not to be considered lightly.

(2). Drinking. From personal observation the writer knows that the habit of intemperate drinking has been greatly increased in at least one college by the fact that a large number of students accompany the teams to other colleges. It is considered "the thing" to drink then if at no other time.

(3). A spirit of brutality and unfairness is produced, the brutality more especially by football. The desire to win becomes so rampant that any means is resorted to. The newspaper reports for the past few weeks are sufficient evidence that no spirit of courteous fairness characterizes these contests.


(4). The expense. The average expenses of a student in a New England college are just now about double the average yearly wages of a workingman. The gulf between the rich and the poor is considerably widening in America, and if this continues it will soon be impossible for the poor man's son to gain a college education in any other character than that of a "subsidized embryo preacher."

(5). These intercollegiate contests prevent a general physical culture among the students. The moment there is a " 'varsity team" in training the whole athletic interest centres in it; the time that should be given to vigorous exercise is given to a humpbacked watching of the practicing team from the fence or stand. This is no small evil, this making a concentrated extract of athlete; it is bad for the extract and bad for the residuum.

(6). These contests and their results attract a class of fellows to college that have no proper place there. The consequences are that a bad tone, morally and intellectually, is given to the college, interest in scholarly pursuits is decreased, degrees are given to many without the slightest real claim. Instead of an atmosphere of scholarship, the tendency is towards an atmosphere of professional training. The professors find little responsiveness in their class rooms, become disgusted, and do not give out the best that is in them.

Such are the advantages and the evils of intercollegiate athletics. From the preponderance of the latter over the former the correspondent of the Nation draws his conclusion that "intercollegiate contests are an evil to be abolished."
