

All candidates for the '90 crew will please meet at 3 Beck, at 7 o'clock tonight.

C. L. CREHORE.SIGNET.- Meeting at the society rooms tonight at 8.30. Important business.

F. S. DUNCAN, Secretary.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal tonight at 7.30. Violins will please bring mutes.

FOUND.- In basement of Matthews, an umbrella. Apply to porter of Matthews.

All freshmen who have played or who wish to play foot ball will be on the Divinity field at 3.30 sharp.


S. W. ELLSWORTH.SHOOTING CLUB.- Regular meeting this afternoon. Matches C and D will begin and Founders cup will be shot for. Take 1.30 car for Watertown.

CANOE CLUB.- All past members of the club who have not received a Burgee may get them at 65 Mr. Auburn St.

G. L. BATCHELDER, Purser.ENGLISH 12.- Theme III. will be due today at 11 o'clock. Students will criticize themes in the class room.

Mr. Briggs will be unable to keep his office hours this afternoon.

HARVARD FENCING CLUB.- Louis Roundelle has been secured as instructor, and will be at the rooms today from 2 till 6, and on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday afternoons hereafter.

EDWARD S. RANSON, President.ANDOVER CLUB.- The annual dinner of the Harvard Andover club will be held at the Boston Tavern, Friday evening, November 8, at 7.30 o'clock. All Andover men in the University are invited to be present.

All holders of regular (red) season tickets must present an admission ticket at the gate. Admission tickets for the Pennsylvania game may be had at Leavitt and Pierce's by showing season ticket.

