
Co-operative Society Bulletin.

Dividends payable this week, Nos. 100 to 200. Checks will be sent.

Ready in the Men's Furnishing Department: Sweaters, jerseys, knee-tights, hose, fencing foils and masks, boxing gloves, catcher's gloves, gymnasium slippers, jockey straps, Angora gloves, E. and W. collars, skates and hockey sticks.

Also the Hamilton English Trouser Stretcher, $2.00. Very easily adjusted for use.

In the Book Room: Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris. 2 vols. Price $5.25.

Bryce's American Commonwealth. 2 vols. Price $5.10.


Waldstein's Essays on the Art of Pheidias. $5.00.

Wey's Rome, IHustrated, $7.00.

Ormsby's Don Quixote, 4 vols., $9.45.

Longfellow's Complete Works, 11 vols., $11.00.

In the Stationery Department a New Stock of Pressed Ink-stands.
