
The Crews at New London.

The Columbia freshman crew have already taken up their quarters at New London. They are a strong wiry, set of men and will have the advantage of a long period of practice on the Thames before the race with the Harvard freshmen. W. A. Meikleham of the '86 Columbia 'varsity crew is coaching them; although he is not able on account of his ill health to row with them, he follows them in the Columbia steam launch, the "Carrie Goodwin." Columbia is quartered at Captain Brown's, and just across the road from them is the house of Captain Latham Brown where the Yale crews will reside. They are expected to arrive about the 20th or 21st. Several Yale undergraduates have chartered some private residences near by so they may be as near as possible to the crew.

Farther down the river is the Harvard club-house. The boat house was damaged somewhat in the great blizzard. It is built partly on a stone foundation and partly upon piles and is not anchored in any way, being held down merely by its own weight. The heavy winds blew the house off the piles and left it lying on one side partly twisted around, The New London Northern Railway Company will make the necessary repairs before the crews arrive on the 18th. It is said that the river is much higher this year and there is as yet no trouble from eel grass, and probably will be none at the time of the races. President Stevenson of the Yale navy and Superintendent Spalding of the New London Northern Railroad have been trying to devise some plan to keep the tickets on the observation train out of the hands of "scalpers." Last year the train was limited to 21 cars, but this year there will probably be an unlimited number of cars and as many tickets will be sold as there are purchasers.


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