

FRESHMAN nine be in Gymnasium at two o'clock promptly ready to go on the field.

LOST-On Jarvis Field, Wednesday afternoon, a bunch of keys. The finder will please return to the CRIMSON sanctum or the janitor of Hilton.

MEMBERS of the class of '85, Phillips Exeter Academy, are requested to meet at 3 Matthews at 7 o'clock this evening.

E. C. BATES, Sec'y.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal Monday at 7.30. Social Union concert, Tuesday, at 7.45. Rehearsal Wednesday at 7.30 in Roberts Hall.

PRESIDENTIAL CANVASS.- The committee requests EVERY man who has not yet voted to cast his ballot in the box at Leavitt and Pierce's today as the box is to be removed.


GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS AND PIERIAN SODALITY.- All unsold tickets must be returned to Sever's by Wednesday noon. No member will be credited for unsold tickets after that time.

LACROSSE.- The following men will be ready to play the Walthams at 4.45 today: Wells, Rourke, Huntress, Griffing, Hewes, Harding, Towle, Kilvert, Drake, Griswold, Pulsifer, Stedman, Morton, Thorndike.
