
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no symphony concerts in Boston to-day and to-morrow.

Brown University has nearly $80,000 raised for a new gymnasium.

A Senior Club has been formed at Bowdoin for the purpose of studying the tariff question.

Prof. Richardson of Amherst proposes a trip to Europe the coming summer, in charge of a party of students.

The chapel choir is preparing some very good new music for the service on Easter Sunday.


Smith College and Willisten Seminary in Northampton had to be closed this week on account of the storm.

Henry Bergh, the well-known friend of dumb animals, has recently died in New York.

Mr. Markoe was again unable to meet the 11 o'clock Section in German I yesterday, and Professor Francke took his place.

The Hasty Pudding Club, at their spring theatricals, will present an original extravaganza, entitled Constance or The Beau, The Belle and The Bandit. The dates are: Philadelphia, April 7. New York, April 9 and 10. Boston, April 19, 20 and 21. Due notice of sale of tickets will be given.

The marks in Fine Arts 4 will be sent to the men in the course before next Tuesday. All those making C, will not be notified.

Professor Trowbridge will lecture at 7.30 this evening in Jefferson Laboratory, on "Spectrum Analysis." The lecture will be the first in the Jefferson Laboratory course.

At the last meeting of the Appalachian Club, which was held on Wednesday, at the Institute of Technology, Mr. Abram G. Clark of Cambridge, the well-known manufacturer of large telescopes, was present, and gave an account of his recent visit to the observatory, telling about the views of the rings of Saturn and his discovery of a new star in the traperium of Orion.

Rev. John G. Brooks of Brockton, who has spoken in Cambridge several times this year, spoke in Boston, Wednesday evening, on "Wages and the Tariff." He gave the average daily wages of the different nations as follows: United States, $1.25; England, 68 cents; Holland, 42 cents; France, 40 cents; Switzerland, 35 cents; Italy, 22 cents; Russia, 20 cents: Turkey, 20 cents.

The shoot yesterday afternoon finished the present series of matches of the Harvard Shooting Club. The conditions for shooting were of the best. The attendance was very small, only those being present who had a good chance for winning a prize.

In Match A, only two of all that had entered were present. Greene won the first prize, Frye, the second.

In Match B, there were three men tied for first place, Frye, Greene and D. C. Holder. In the shoot off for first prize, Frye won easily. The second prize in this event was awarded to Blum.

In Match C, Frye won first prize. Jackson and D. C. Holder tied for second. In the shoot off, D. C. Holder won.
