
The Bicycle Club Challenges Yale.

At the bicycle "smoker," Thursday evening, important business was transacted. The constitution was amended in order to allow sophomores to be admitted as associate members. A motion to make the dues one dollar a year after the first year of membership was laid on the table till next meeting that all members might have an opportunity to consider it. The following motion was unanimously carried:-

"That the Harvard Bicycle Club challenge the Yale Bicycle Club to a roadrace next June, immediately after the final examinations, leaving to Yale choice of distance and course; the number of competitors to be from five to ten. If Yale chooses a course at New Haven they are to allow Harvard $8 per man towards the expenses; but, if a course near Cambridge is chosen, Harvard shall allow Yale $8 per man."

The following committee was appointed to make arrangements for the race: Greenleaf, '92; Brown, '91, Davis, '91. The club has left everything to Yale, in the hope of inducing them to accept the challenge.

Stead, '91; Jones, '91; Barney, '90, and Morton, '90, were elected honorary members.
