
Harvard Forfeits the Yale Game.

A meeting of Harvard and Yale foot-ball representatives was held at New Haven, Sunday evening. Messrs. Corbin, Gill, Stagg, Wallace, King, of the eleven, and Dr. Delevan represented Yale; for Harvard, Palmer and Sears were present. Harvard offered to leave the question to arbitration and abide by the decision of any judge chosen by both parties. To this Yale would not agree and in reply sent the following letter to Mr. Sears:

DEAR SIR.- My consultations with some of our graduates this morning resulted in the following final decision: Harvard must play Yale at New York on Thanksgiving day (?) forfeit their championship game scheduled for that time and place. Yale' position on that question is unapt table and will remain so. Yours truly; WILLIAM H. CORBIN.

As it was manifestly impossible for Harvard to overrule the decision of the athletic committee on this matter, Mr. Corbin's letter made it necessary for Harvard to forfeit the game, which was done. The Harvard management immediately sent the following challenge to Yale, to which no answer has yet been returned:

DEAR SIR.- Your note of this morning is at hand. By its terms Harvard is obliged to forfeit, and hereby does forfeit, the championship game previously scheduled for New York on Thanksgiving day. We regret that such is the case. Feeling, however, that the season of 1888 would be incomplete without a contest between Yale and Harvard, we therefore offer the following proposition:

Harvard hereby challenges Yale to play a match game of foot-ball on Thanksgiving day, 188, such game to be governed in all respects by the inter-collegiate rules and regulations of 1888. The place of the game shall be decided as follows: Mr. Beecher, captain of the Yale foot-ball team of 1887, shall decide where the game shall be played, on condition that if Mr. Beecher deemed the game last year as counting for a New Haven game, he shall decide that this game shall be in Cambridge. If Mr. Beecher refuses to act in deciding the place, the choice of saying where the game shall be played shall be settled by a toss. The referee and the umpire agreed upon for the championship game shall act as such in this game. We ask an immediate reply.



J. H. SEARS, Capt., B. W. PALMER.
