
The Opinion of the Cambridge Tribune on the Article in the North American Review.

The following excerpt is taken from an editorialin the Cambridge Tribune of Nov. 10th:

"There has never been such a shameful attack on an American college than the article in the ovember number of the North American Review on the "Fast Set at Harvard," in which the most scandalous assertions are made about the life and morals of Harvard men.

"Harvard is no worse than any of her sister colleges. On the contrary any unbiased observer will admit without hesitation that in no college in America are the students more gentlemanly than here. Nowhere do they preserve better order among themselves than here; nowhere are hazing and rowdy-like amusements frowned on as here, and nowhere is the "fast set" smaller in proportion. People who have lived in other college towns will admit that no where are the students on better terms with the inhabitants than here.

The writer of the article in the North American, who has not the courage to sign his name says that the "fast set" is the most noticeable here. On the contrary this set is small in numbers and despised by the other sets. The proportion is not one in twenty-it is perhaps one in forty. The faculty are not too lenient, but are frequently unduly severe, and they do not hesitate to inflict suspension or expulsion as the occasion requires.

"The reason for objecting to the publication of such articles is that they have their effect among the more ignorant and prejudiced people, and their result is detrimental to the college. But Harvard has a sufflcient hold on the more intelligent classes which enables it to keep on its noble course undaunted, and scorn the insults of anonymous writers."

