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We publish elsewhere a clipping from the Spirit of the Times which should be read by all who have the interest of Harvard athletics at heart. The writer of the article in question has evidently studied the case coolly and dispassionately, and while we are not prepared to endorse his sentiments in every particular, yet we think that some of his suggestions are excellent and trust that they will receive all the attention that they merit, not only from the boating men, but from the college in general. It is well known that Harvard athletics are at a low ebb; it remains for us to determine upon some plan which will bring back to us our old prestige. Articles such as that which we have quoted are one means of providing discussion, and a thorough discussion of the subject is the only way to get at a satisfactory plan of action. The boating men in college will do well to consider the article that they may see whether there are not some suggestions in it, which, if carried wholly or partially into effect, might go far towards raising Harvard to her old proud position in intercollegiate athletics.
