

SUBSCRIPTIONS to the CRIMSON will be received at Leavitt and Peirce's and at Amee's. The price is $3.50, payable strictly in advance.

THERE will be a hare and hound run on Wednesday, Oct. 17, starting from the gymnasium at 3 p. m. Those who wish to run sign the book at Bartlett's.

JACOB WENDELL, JR., Secretary H. A. A.CANDIDATES for the brass band will meet in Roberts' Hall, Tuesday evening, October 16, at 7.30 o'clock. Every man who plays any brass band instrument is invited. Bring instruments if possible.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- All men who wish to try for the Freshman Glee Club will please present themselves at 19 Holworthy. Tenors on Wednesday, Oct. 17 at 7 p. m.; basses on. Thursday, Oct. 18 at 7 p. m. Per order of the University Glee Club.

ALL candidates for the freshman eleven must meet at the gymnasium at one o'clock today.


M. F. BROOKS, Captain.ADVOCATE MEETING.- Editors will meet tonight in 11 Grays at 7 o'clock. Important.

CHARLES WARREN, President.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- There will be a run to Jamaica Plain this afternoon. Meet in front of University at 4 o'clock. Smoker and business meeting this evening at 45 Matthews.

R. S. BALDWIN, President.
