
The Senior Class Crew.

The four class crews are now rowing quite steadily and have been at work about three weeks. There are at present some sixty candidates. This number will gradually diminish as the men are sifted out, and in the course of two or three weeks some definite decision can be reached as to the relative merits of the crews. At present they are in a rather crude state and have not even learned the whole stroke. Most of the crews are made up largely of new men, as the old members are either at present with the 'Varsity or have not as yet gone into training. The sophomore crew has the largest number of old men, while the seniors and juniors have almost none.

Immediately after the Christmas recess, Captain Hale summoned candidates for the senior crew, and some fifteen men presented themselves. There are no old men among them, and the prospect for a crew is not at present encouraging. The scheme of work of the candidates is the following: At quarter after four the men meet and use the chest-weights for fifteen or twenty minutes. At half-past four they repair to the rowing room, where they are busy until five o'clock. At five they take a fast run of a mile out-of-doors, and this ends their work for the day-a little more than an hour having been used. The plan of having two rowing rooms is a very good one, and the men like it. The fact that two crews row simultaneously of course prevents much waiting. and the consequent great waste of time is done away with. The greatest good, however, is that the university crew is no longer molested by the class crews, but has a rowing room exclusively for its own use. Up to Monday the candidates were still rowing straight arm, the object at present being to get a good firm position and a proper use of body rather than to acquire any technicalities of the stroke. The name, weight, and a brief criticism of each man is here given:-

Stroke-Baldwin 153

7. Blossom 151

6. Cabot 143


5. Grifflin 166

4. Tooker 153

3. Balch 168

2. Holder 150

Bow-Barnes 167

Substitutes-Davidege, Flint, Gibson, Reynolds, Saxe, Swain.

Stroke. Apt to hang a little at full reach. Lacks snap.

7. Should sit up to it better and follow stroke more closely. Must get more reach and better grip.

6. Must keep head well up all through the stroke. and sit up to it better. Keep outside wrist higher. Should come out for it more deliberately.

5. Must watch his man more carefully. Keep shoulders well down and come back on it well with head and shoulders. Keep back arched.
