
Fact and Rumor.

Yale plays Princeton, at Princeton to-day.

Examinations at Yale began yesterday.

Five Williams seniors will contribute to the Protective Tariff League.

Owing to the examinations the Princetonian will have but one issue next week.

The trial trip of a new electric car was made over the Cambridge road, Thursday.


Reserved seat tickets for the Yale. Harvard game, June 25, now on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's.

The commencement concert by the pupils of Lasel, Auburndale. took place in the gymnasium last evening.

What does Yale now think about Williams? Has she a clear title to the championship of the Intercollegiate League?

Commencement exercises at Vassar took place Wednesday. They were largely attended by relatives of the graduating class. Thirty-six young ladies were graduated.

Harvard's new English eight-oared shell is being re-rigged in the American style, and may, with this alteration, be an acceptable craft for practice pulls; but it is hardly believed the crew will use it in races. - Herald.

Professor Merriam of Columbia sails on June 15th for Athens. He is to take charge, for the coming year, of the American School of Classical Studies there.

The Harvard Club of New York, last night, formally opened its new club house on Twenty-eighth street. About 600 members and graduates of Harvard College were present.

The marks in History 17 will be out the first of next week. Anyone who leaves an addressed postal card at Prof. Hart's room will receive his mark at the above time.

Officers of Bicycle Club for ensuing year: President, S. F. McCleary, '88; captain, R. S. Baldwin, '89; substitute captain, L. McK. Garrison, '88; secretary, S. R. Miner, '88.

At the Stamford Bridge athletic games held in London on Saturday, E. D. Lange of Columbia started from scratch in a handicap mile-walk. After catching up with his opponents he slowed down in consequence of the heavy ground and finished fourth.

Exeter men will be interested to know that a book of the lectures given at their Alma Mater in 1885-6, has just been published. It includes addresses by Edward Everett E. Hale, Phillips Brooks, Ex-President Porter, President McCosh and others.

The '89-'90 game scheduled for yesterday was not played. No more games will be played in the series which remains as follows:

Class. Won. Lost.

'88 4 2

'87 3 3

'89 2 3

'90 2 3

Five freshman and one from each of the three upper classes at Columbia have been called before the faculty to answer for charges made against them for making a disturbance with the men who are trying the entrance examinations. - Princetonian.

The Darthmouth-Williams series completed yesterday was the closest college series ever played. Williams won the two games at Williamstown, May 6 and 7, 7-6 and 4-3. Dartmouth won at Hanover, June 8 and 9, 5-4, 8-7 (11 innings). Each club scored 22 runs in the series.
