
Fact and Rumor.

Exeter Was beaten by Bradford, Wednesday, by a score of 11 to 9.

The physical laboratory at Vassar is to be enlarged.

Mr. Warren F. Gay, '90, has been elected a member of the 'Varsity Glee Club.

A large number of Harvard's old ball players witnessed Wednesday's game with Yale.

The game scheduled for to-day between Eighty-nine and Ninety will not be played, owing to the examinations.


In Harlem, Iowa, there is a school composed of forty-four pupils, forty of whom are Danes.

The Yale freshmen class celebrated their victory of Wednesday by exercises round the immortal "fence."

Shannon of the Trinitys struck out 19 of the Lafayettes Tuesday at Hartford. The former won 6 to 2.

Elective blanks will be distributed to-day in University 2, from 2 to 3.30 p.m. None will be given out in the office at these hours.

The decisive game in the Maine College League was played at Brunswick, Me., Wednesday. The Colbys' won from the Bowdoins, 13 to 8, thus giving Colby the pennant.

The battery of the Holy Cross College nine, Meade and Cahill, has been secured for the summer season by the Lowells. They will join the Lowells as soon as the college term is over.

There is no reason why Harvard should not win the next two games from Yale. The Cambridge boys are the better batters, and don't seem to have much fear of Stagg. - Globe.

A new degree, bachelor of music, has been instituted at Vassar.

English 12. Mr. Wendell has placed the themes of this course which are still in his possession on the table in Sever 3. Those that are not called for before the end of the examination will be destroyed.

The sophomore crew of Yale is in trouble. In addition to being in debt for last year's expenses, it has been obliged to pay for the boat which was broken in a recent accident on the Quinnipiac.
