
Note and Comment.

Our base-ball management has been laboring under a heavy responsibility during the past few weeks, but though there was a strong sentiment against a triple league as at first proposed, they may be well assured of the approval and support of the college at large in their final decision. Also, those graduates most interested in base-ball, whose opinions and advice have been freely sought by the management, and have proved of the utmost value in this controversy, though they have been opposed to the new league, give assurances of their support to the management in the decision which they have deemed for the best interests of the University. A letter has been received from the most influential of those in New York and vicinity, written last Thursday, setting forth their position, which was received too late for publication before the convention was held, and from which we now quote the following:

"As we are led to believe that it is the true sentiment of many of the players, backed by a strong undergraduate sympathy, that Yale should accept the invitation extended to her by Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia, we desire to assure the management that we are ready to co-operate with them in case they are determined upon this action."

"The majority of those whose sentiments this letter voices, have, in the past, as undergraduates, felt the advantages of graduate assistance and support; so that we are compelled to submit this statement to the undergraduates in acknowledgment of their courtesy in asking our advice in the matter, and to relieve them of any feeling of tension in the relation of old to young Yale." - Yale News.
