
The Old League.


Last Friday the remnants of the old Intercollegiate Base-ball Association met at Springfield. Harvard and Princeton did not attend but sent in their resignations from the league. Yale presented her withdrawal in person.

According to the agreement made last year Williams withdrew and Dartmouth took her old place in the association. These officers were elected: President, F. D. White of Brown; first vice president, Bryant Smith of Amherst; second vice-president, Charles D. Cooke of Brown; secretary-treasurer, W. H. Dartt of Dartmouth. Williams was represented by Charles H. Bigelow, Jr., and Henry Burden, 2d, and Trinity by G. W. Rodgers and W. F. Morgan, Jr.

Williams was admitted on condition that she prove to a committee that she has no professionals on her nine. Trinity was refused admission to the league.

The Spalding ball was adopted.
