
Fact and Rumor.

There are forty-four candidates for the Princeton Lacrosse Team.

The Pierian coffee parties will be held on the evenings of March 16 and March 30.

Herman Page, '88, has been elected manager of the University Lacrosse Team.

The Rev. E. E. Hale will begin to-day to conduct morning prayers in the chapel.

The wedding of H. Timmins, '86, to Miss Prescott of Boston took place the day before yesterday.


Bowdoin Prize Dissertation on "The Twelfth Article of Jay's Treaty," tonight in Sever 5.

The dinner of the Cricket Club will take place at Young's Holel at 7.30 sharp to-night.

Mr. D. M. Babcock, the well-known basso will assist the chapel choir at the vesper service this afternoon.

Prof. Lanciani lectured on Medical and Ancient libraries at the University of Pennsylvania last Friday.

For the convenience of attendants at the vesper service the college bell will be rung on Thursday afternoons both at 4.30 and at 4.55.

The Yale faculty fined a sophomore $2 last week for cutting his name on a tablet in a recitation room.

There is an interesting article in yesterday's Princetoman on how Princeton happened to be located in New Jersey.

Harvard, Princeton and Yale have seven representatives each in Congress. Harvard leads in the House and Yale in the Senate.

Mr. Bruce's powerful story in the last number of the "Monthly" is founded on fact, the principal actors being historical personages.

Company B of Colonel Bancroft's regiment that prepared for such valiant service, was dismissed at 11:30 on Tuesday night. There were high old times up in the armory during their stay.
