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The wretched notes that are now being sold around college, demand more than the passing imprecations of those who buy and have to read them. Their worthlessness should be made a matter of public notice. In what this consists, is clear to all who have had any experience with them, i. e. bad spelling, lack of coherence, and indistinct type so that parts are with difficulty legible. But this subject immediately leads us to a more serious matter, the whole system of buying and selling notes. Few stop to think what an evil this is or to what it might lead; those who carry on this habit do so merely with a view to their own convenience. But we must look at it from a higher stand point, and perhaps an encouragement to that shirking and postponement of work which it cannot be our sober wish to see increase. Furthermore, it is a means by which one man is paid to do the work of another. This puts the custom on a par with that despicable custom of having servitors at English colleges. It is probable, however, that all arguments on this matter will be useless. Every man in college ought to refuse to uphold such a custom.
