

HARVARD, 9; U. OF P., O.

Yesterday afternoon on Holmes Field, before a small audience, Harvard defeated the University of Pennsylvania nine by a score of 9 to 0. This nine has defeated all the college nines, including Columbia.

Although the visitors made several errors, the fielding on the whole was sharp, and the game was very interesting. For the first seven innings they only got two men on first, and they were both thrown out in attempting to steal second. In the eighth they had a man left on first, and in the ninth one on second.

Harvard played a very strong game both at the bat and in the field. In the first inning, Wiestling got his base on balls, went to second on a passed ball, and took third on a missed third strike, on which Phillips reached first. Nichols then made a tremendous drive into left field on which he easily made home run. In the third, two runs were added on a base on balls, and hits by Willard, Allen and Eoster.

In the fourth after two men were out, Harvard made three more runs. Smith got his base on balls and went to second on Phillips' hit. Nichols then knocked the ball into the willows, bringing in both men and going to third himself. Willard knocked a two bagger which brought in Nichols, but he was left on second himself as the next man went out, short stop to first.

Smith opened the sixth with a hit, stole second, and came in on Willard's single. This closed the run getting, though men were left on bases in the seventh and ninth.


The battery work of Nichols and Allen was very fine. Nichols struck out fourteen men, and Allen threw beautifully to second. Willard and Nichols also batted very heavily. For the University of Pennsylvania, Latta and Wilson played a fine fielding game.

The score.


A.B. B. I.B. T.B. P.O. A. E.

Wiestling, r. f., 4 1 0 0 1 0 0

Smith, 1b., 3 3 1 1 4 0 0

Phillips, 3b., 5 2 1 1 0 0 0

Nichols, p., 5 2 2 7 0 16 0

Willard, c. f., 5 1 3 4 1 0 0

Allen, c., 5 0 1 1 16 2 0
