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In regard to the small attendance at the Brown game on Tuesday, we would say that for the students to manifest such an evident lack of interest in a championship game is a disgrace to the college. What if the Brown game did come during the examination period? If the game had been with Yale or Princeton, no amount of examinations would have prevented the students turning out in a body to witness it: and to show such a want of enthusiasm as was shown in Tuesday's game is a discourtesy to Brown which we cannot pass over in silence. Brown is one of the smaller colleges, and therefore cannot be expected to present such a thoroughly picked nine as Princeton, Yale, or Harvard, and besides, she has not the reputation for base-ball which her three older sisters have established. But for this very reason, her men should receive at least a decent welcome when they come here and play a plucky game against such heavy odds. We trust that in future, the reputed in difference of Harvard men will not show itself in so marked and discourteous a manner, even though they have such a potent excuse as "examinations."
