
University Calendar.


Appleton Chapel. Professor J. W. Churchill of Andover. 7.30 p.m.

17. MONDAY.English VI. Oral discussion. Opened by Messrs. Barton and Moors: Eight hour laws. Sever 11, 3 p.m.

Readings in Old English Poetry. Prof. Child. Sever 11, 7.30 p.m.


18. TUESDAY.College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 3.30 p.m.

Forensic Lecture. Prof. Royce. Sever 11, 4 p.m.

Lectures on Emergencies and Hygiene. Hemorrhage, burns, scalds and frostbites. Dr. M. H. Richardson. Sanders Theatre, 8 p.m.

Scientific Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 8 p.m.

19. WEDNESDAY.English VI. Oral discussion. Opened by Messrs. Smith and Webster: The Garfield Administration. Sever 11, 3 p.m.

Divinity School Chapel. Conference. 4 p.m.

Health and Strength. Open to all members of the University. Dr. Edwin Farnham. Sever 11, 7.30 p.m.

Glee Club and Pierian Concert. Sanders Theatre, 8 p.m.

20. THURSDAY.Physics. Lectures to freshmen. Prof. Lovering. Lecture-Room, Jefferson Physical Laboratory, 12 m.

Forensic Lecture. Professor Royce. Sever 11, 4 p.m.

Readings in Old English Poetry. Prof. Child. Sever 11, 7.30 p.m.

21. FRIDAY.Divinity School Chapel. Evening service, conducted by Mr. H. C. McDougall. 7.30 p.m.

22. SATURDAY.Commencement parts will be read to the Committee in Sanders Theatre, beginning at 9 a.m. and following the alphabetical order.

THE DIVINITY SCHOOL.For the year 1886-87, two resident Fellowships of $500 each are offered to graduates of Theological Schools who intend to devote themselves to the Christian ministry. These fellowships are intended to encourage advanced theological work of a high order. Applications, accompanied by testimonials and specimens of work, must be made to the Acting Dean, Rev. Francis G. Peabody, before June 1.

SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS.Wednesday, May 26, is the last day of receiving applications for the Harris Fellowship and the Rogers Scholarship, and Tuesday, June 1, for other Scholarships, or for aid from the Beneficiary Fund.

FORENSICS.The new list of Excluded Topics is now ready at U. 5. Additions have been made to the list of approved topics in the Manuscript Book at the Library.

Any topic contained either in the Forensic Pamphlet for 1884-85 or in the Manuscript Book at the Library, and not contained in the List of Excluded Topics, may be chosen as an examination Topic. Topics outside the approved lists may be chosen with the consent of the Instructor. Further directions in regard to the time and place for handing in the four Examination Topics will be published hereafter.

SOPHOMORE THEMES.Theme XII will be due on Thursday, May 20. The choice of subject and of manner of treatment is left to the writer.

The double theme will be returned on Thursday, May 20, from 2 to 4.30 p.m. in Sever 5.

Writers of sophomore themes will in future designate their themes not by their names, but by the numbers which they find written on the first theme.

Special attention is called to the fact that, by the regulations, no overdue theme will be accepted, unless the writer satisfies the Dean that his failure to present it at the appointed time was due to serious illness or other unavoidable hindrance.

READINGS IN OLD ENGLISH POETRY.Professor Child will continue his series of readings in Old English Poetry in Sever 11 at 7.30 o'clock on the evenings of Monday, May 17, Thursday, May 20, Monday, May 24, and Monday, May 31.

HONORS IN CLASSICS.Examinations for Honors in Classics (Second-Year and Final) will be held in Sever 37 in accordance with the scheme given below.

II. The translation at sight of passages from Latin authors. On Monday, May 17, at 9 a.m.

III. The general paper. On Monday, May 17, at 2 p.m.

IV. Greek composition. Identical with the annual examination in Greek 3.

V. Latin composition. Identical with the annual examination in Latin 3.
