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To let. House on Church St. Would make a firstrate club-house. Enquire at 24 Church St.

Highest cash prices paid for cast-off clothing. A. Archambeau & Co., 4 Brattle St., Cambridge. Hours, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Orders by mail promptly attended to.

Lost. A fox-terrier dog, white body, black and tan ear and black and tan spot at root of tail. A suitable reward will be given if returned to 1 Manter.

Bicycle for sale. A special club made to order for the owner by the Coventry Machinists' Co., London. Double ball bearings, etc. Has been little used and is in perfect order. Apply at 8 Garden St., office door, between 1 and 3 p.m., or at 4 Brewster Place, between 7 and 8 p.m.

J. W. Brine, importer of English straw hats, all styles; English flannel caps, all colors; English striped coats, all colors; English flannel tennis pants, four grades to order; English ties, all shades; Franklin expert racquets; tennis balls, at wholesale prices; tennis shoes and base-ball shoes; tennis suits. J. W. Brine 10 and 11 Harvard Row.


Mr. E. Wallner of Norwich, Conn., would like to take with him on a walking tour in Switzerland, two or three young men. He would leave - say July 1, and return towards the end of September. He is a native of Geneva, and knows thoroughly how to travel with comfort, pleasure, and economy. He refers by permission to Prof. Lanman.

Lost. - Stylographic pen. Finder please give address, or leave at 57 Thayer.

Awnings in latest patterns made at short notice and put up. Furniture packed and shipped and stored at low rates, by Lee L. Powers, 420 Harvard St. Good prices paid for second-hand furniture.

Just received from England, 24 dozen assorted striped Flannel Caps, 475 yards striped Flannel, 350 yards French Flannel. I keep on hand the largest assortment of domestic Flannel. I am ready to take orders for Flannel Suits. Please call and examine. J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.
