
Fact and Rumor.

The only championship that Yale now holds is in lawn tennis.

The postponed Harvard-Yale game will probably be played on June 19th.

The "B. U.'s" were defeated by the "Owls" by a score of 12 to 6 yesterday.

Tickets for Saturday's spring athletic meeting are on sale for 50 cents each at Bartlett's.

Yesterday's Nation has an interesting article on the Elective System in the University of Michigan.


A comparatively large number of students will try for Second Year Honors in Classics this year.

Attention is called to the fact that several changes have been made in the list of final examinations.

Princeton defeated Stevens Institute at lacrosse on Wednesday by a score of 5 to 0.

Mr. R. D. Sears will play Tom Petit the champion professional player of the world, this afternoon, at 3 o clock, on the Longwood tennis grounds. It will probably be a very exciting game, and a great number are going over to see it.

The CRIMSON-Bessie game will be called at 10.30 sharp, on Jarvis Field. Members of both nines must report promptly.

The courses in Engineering given in the Scientific School, may be taken as regulars by undergraduates of the college next year.

There will be no recitations in many of the higher courses in classics on Saturday, on account of the honor examinations.

It is probable that a second edition of the elective pamphlet will have to be published. It may contain several changes in the different departments.

Columbia held its class races on Tuesday last. The juniors won and the freshmen were second by a short distance.

The Lampoon dinner will take place on Friday at the Hotel Vendome. Many former editors of the paper are expected to be present, and a good time is anticipated.

Yale defeated Brown on Wednesday with a score of 6 to 1 in a seven inning game. Yale made only two errors, both by the pitcher; Brown made 8 errors.

In case a race is arranged with Columbia and Harvard, the freshman crew will have quarters close by the 'varsity at New London, and will take their meals at the same place with them. - Yale News.

The lacrosse twelve played the Boston's on the latter's grounds this afternoon. The game was closely contested. Boston secured a quick goal at the opening of the first half, which was followed soon after by a goal for Harvard, thrown by Hood. No other goal was thrown, and before the second half had fairly opened it was necessary to call the game on account of darkness.

In the freshman athletic games at Yale Monday, the following men were the winners: putting the shot, Wood ruff, 32 feet 5 inches; 100 yards dash, Sherrill, 11 seconds; running broad jump, Goodwin, 19 feet 4 1-2 inches; mile walk, Davidson, 8 minutes 7 seconds; 120 yards hurdle, Berger, 19 3-5 seconds; 220 yards dash, Walker, 25 3 5 seconds; running high jump, 5 feet 2 1-4 inches; quarter mile run, Bradner, 58 1-5 seconds.

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