
Athletics at Wellesley.

An examination of the opportunities for physical training at Wellesley College would be an instinctive lesson to those who oppose liberal education for women on the ground of its evil effects upon the health of the students. The principal place of in door exercise is of course the gymnasium, a large and convenient hall, well furnished with dumbbells, chest-weights, horizontal and parallel bars, flying rings, rowing machines and other apparatus. Regular exercise is required of all the students, who are arranged in groups according to strength and individual needs. Outdoor sports are very popular. On the shore of Lake Wabau the visitor can see the boats used by the various crews, and may perhaps see the strong and graceful "oars-women" as they take their places in their boat and glide over the lake. Dr. Holmes' may have written with prophetic insight when he described in "A Mortal Antipathy," a close and exciting race between crews of opposite sexes, which the representatives of the young ladies institute finally win by a clever ruse - tempting the gallantry of their opponents. If the present progress in athletic training continues, who can tell how soon Dr. Holmes' imaginary race may become a reality in a contest between the champion eights of Wellesley and Harvard? But the students at Wellesley do not give all their enthusiasm to boating. Near the lake is a large and level field devoted to tennis, where the young women compete in agility and skill. The first tournament took place last fall and developed some excellent players, - who would be more than a match for many of the other sex. Coasting and skating are the prominent out-door sports in winter, and there are special opportunities for both. This interest and participation in athletics, which is seen at all large schools for women, is rightly regarded as one of the most promising signs of the times; and there are many who predict that the day will come when the active woman of sense and strength will entirely supersede the languid doll of sentiment and fancy.

