
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no recitation in Dr. Hart's courses.

The tennis association will have the courts sprinkled to-day.

There will be no recitation in English V on Wednesday.

The new catalogues of the "Advocate" will be on sale to-day at Sever's.

'88 will probably race with the 'varsity again next Friday.


The Physical Laboratory closes promptly at 4 o'clock on Saturdays.

The first base-ball championship game occurs at Providence on Saturday.

Professor Dunbar will begin his lectures before Political Economy I next Monday.

The Glee Club sang in the yard last night and was heartily applauded by a fair crowd of students.

The O. K. dinner will take place at the Parker House next Wednesday evening at 6.30. Dr. William Everett of Quincy will preside.

The Boston performances of the Hasty Pudding theatricals will occur on Thursday at 2.30 p.m., and on Friday and Saturday at 8.30 p.m., at Horticultural Hall. There are only a few seats left for Thursday afternoon while those for Friday and Saturday are all sold.

The names of the '88 men who are about to purchase a four oared shell and organize a crew will not be made public for some time.

Hard luck: "The university boat house is entirely empty, with the exception of a single oared shell, and a home-made canvass canoe." - Princetonian.

It has been rumored that next year special students will be compelled to attain 75 per cent of the maximum mark in their elective studies, or sever their connection with the college.

Remarkable news: "Out of every ten students who were examined for Harvard last year, four were admitted without conditions, five were conditioned, and one was rejected." - Ex.

Still at it: "It was proposed to have a toboggan slide at the Yale Field this winter, but the blasting of the rocks and the premature advent of the warm weather have frustrated the scheme." Princetonian.

William Gallagher, M. A., master of the Girls' Latin School in Boston, has been elected Principal of Williston Seminary. Mr. Gallagher graduated from Harvard in '69, ranking second in his class.

The public was startled to see in the last number of the Lampoon a portrait from life of one of the board with his autograph in the corner. The Lampoon was delayed two days to secure it.

Confusion in the board: The following liberal offer has been received from the Home Journal: "If you consider the Journal worthy the enclosed, or a similar notice, we should be pleased to have it, and shall be pleased to send the Journal regularly to the wives of your staff in reciprocation."

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