

FINANCE CLUB. The club will meet this evening at half past eight, in U. 13. Discussion of Mr. J. Schoenhof's "The Industrial Situation," by Mr. E. J. Rich, '87.

G. DROPPERS, Sec'y.HASTY PUDDING CLUB. Members of the club are asked to attend a rehearsal at 4.30 this afternoon, in the new rooms. It is of the utmost importance that these rehearsals be attended by the largest possible numbers.

There will be a meeting of the Boylston Chemical Club, Tuesday evening, March 9, at 7.30, in Sever 1. Papers will be read by G. W. Rolfe and E. F. Weld.

H. E. L. HORTON, Sec'y.NOTICE TO SENIORS. - I have received the following note: "The '86 photograph order lists should be handed in at once as we wish to commence printing the same."

PACH BROS.Please attend to this at once. The directions will be found at the top of the last page.


