
Fact and Rumor.

The Lampoon is out to-day.

Philosophy 3 will take up the study of Logic very soon.

The Idlers Club of the Annex will shortly present a drama.

The next number of the Monthly will be out the first of the week.

The marks in Political Economy 4 for the half year will not be given out.


The young ladies of the Annex will organize a tennis club this spring.

The hour examination in Physics C will occur on Friday next, at 10 o'clock.

Seten Hall College, near Newark, N. J. was nearly destroyed by fire Tuesday.

The reading-room has been moved from the north to the south end of Dane Hall.

The class of '86, Columbia, has voted to raise $1000 to purchase books for the college library.

The Yale Lit. is 50 years old. It as yet shows no sign of an approaching second childhood.

The Brown nine opens the season with the Nationals of Washington, on the 30th and 31st of March.

W. B. Phillips, A. D. Claflin and A. B. Potter attended the Base-Ball Convention at Springfield yesterday.

There will be an N. H. 4 excursion to Quincy today. Those who go will take the 8.15 train this morning.

The last Pennsylvanian extensively reviews the lectures delivered here by Professor Thompson last winter.

The marks are out in N. H. 2. Great dissatisfaction is prevalent owing to the general lowness of the percentages.

Twenty-one St. Paul's men are expecting to take the entrance examinations at Yale next summer. - Yale News.

The Sporting Life thinks that without Brooks and Hamilton, Yale will scarcely be able to win the Inter-Collegiate Cup.

The Emperor Dom Pedro of Brazil is planning the erection of an academy of arts, which will be the first of its kind in South America.

In answer to numerous inquiries made at the office, we would state that the doors of the gymnasium will be opened this afternoon at 1 o'clock as usual.

It is expected that Mr. Trellisse, of the St. Louis Botanical Garden, will soon give an illustrated lecture on Botany, under the auspices of the Natural History Society.

The Springfield Union says: "The singing of the Harvard College-Quartet seemed to set the audience wild, and although they had a generous number of songs, encores were demanded and redemanded."

Dr. Hart has made an arrangement with the authorities of the Scientific School, whereby students in History 13 and 18 can use the drawing apparatus in Lawrence Hall in the preparation of maps and diagrams.

Delegates representing several Pennsylvania colleges, are to meet in Philadelphia to-day, for the purpose of arranging State inter-collegiate athletic meetings. The games will probably be held on the grounds of the University of Pennsylvania.

The river opposite the boat house is now almost free from ice, yet there is a large amount of it floating in the lower Charles which comes up with the tide. The current is very strong, yet there is little doubt but that the crews can get out in barges at the beginning of next week.

There will be an hour examination in Philosophy 1 on April 3. The work of the course beginning with Socrates and ending with the close of ancient philosophy will be the subject of the examination.

Dr. Both has published some statistics of over-pressure in the German schools. According to these, 64 per cent. of the scholars "who should work up to graduation are much below the normal standard of health." In Denmark, where a still higher standard of education is insisted on, a government investigation brings to light that 29 per cent. of the boys, and 41 per cent. Of the girls, suffer from over-pressure.

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