
Princeton-Wesleyan Game.


(Special telegram to the CRIMSON.)

HARTFORD, CONN., Nov. 20th:

The Princeton-Wesleyan game was played here to-day. The weather was all that could be desired, but the game was only fairly attended. Both teams played a strong game, but loose tackling at critical points allowed Wesleyan to score in the first half. Each team played with two substitutes. The referee, Mr. Robinson, of Yale, was entirely satisfactory. Touchdowns were made as follows: By Cowen, 2; Ames, 4; Price, 5; Moore, 2. Savage missed four goals. Fumbles by Princeton gave Wesleyan the ball at the 10-yard line, and Stellman secured a touchdown. Hamlin kicked a goal. The main features of the game were the long punts by Savage and Hamlin, and the running of Price, Ames and Smith. Last half 37 minutes; called on account of darkness. - The Princetonian.
