
Fact and Rumor.

Princeton plays Yale to-day at New Haven.

The Amherst commencement is on July 1.

Two eights are in training for the Columbia University crew.

The Prescotts play the Argonauts this morning at 9.30

The Harvard and Longwood Cricket teams play to-day at Longwood.


Rev. Frederick Courtney, S. T. D., will preach in the Chapel tomorrow evening.

The make-up examination in Classical Lectures will be given to-day in U. E. R. at 9 o'clock.

The Amherst freshman game will be called at 1 o'clock, instead of at 3.30, as was at first announced.

Professor J. F. Gerning of Amherst has published a small book entitled "Practical Elements of Rhetoric."

The postponed championship game with Brown will be played in Providence to-day, at 3.30 P.M., on the Messer St. (league) grounds.

A course of experiments is being conducted at the Jefferson Physical Laboratory in connection with the signal service. A large kite has been used to determine the comparative state of electricity in the lower statum of atmosphere, and among the clouds.

The examination in Greek 13 will be given on June 16th, and the examination in Greek 10 will be given on the date hitherto published, June 4th.

The faculty have taken over three hundred tickets for Julius Caesar. The sale to-day begins at 9 promptly. But six tickets can be taken by one buyer.

The seventh number of the Advocate was out yesterday. It contains an article of especial interest by Mr. Barrett Wendell, of the English department.

Owing to a typographical error, it was stated in our issue yesterday, that the first Harvard-Yale freshman game would be played on May 10. The game will be played on May 16.

The Boston Lacrosse club being unable to bring out their full team this afternoon, our team will play a very strong picked twelve largely composed of Boston players at 4.30 on Jarvis.

The batallion connected with the Institute of Technology gives the final exhibition and prize drill of the year this afternoon in the Exhibition Building on Huntington avenue, Boston.

An extra two hour examination in Math. 3, designed to cover the work in the Theory of Equations, will be given in Sever 24, June 3. The regular three hour examination in the course comes June 6.

The Tuesday Yale News contains an account of the Faulkner stroke which was adopted in our class races, and which, according to the News will be used by the 'Varsity at new London next month.

The freshman nine will be made up as follows this afternoon: Palmer, p.; Choate, c.; Fargo, 1b.; Frost, 2b.; Holden, 3b.; Gallivan, s. s.; Hallowell, l. f.; Austin, c. f.; Ingersoll, r. f. Substitutes, Crocker and Taylor.

The new tier of seats on Holmes were used for the first time Thursday. They will seat about 300. All the seats have been moved from Jarvis, and thus the seating capacity of benches on Holmes has been materially increased.

The following men have been elected on the first ten of '88, on the Everett Athenaeum: C. Chollet, P.M. Hammett, W. P. Henderson, M. J. Holland. W. S. Mills, C. H. Pennypacker, C. J. Rolfe, J. J. Seelye, F. H. Whipple, F, Beverly Williams.
