
Fact and Rumor.

The Shooting Club meets at Watertown this afternoon.

The class game of base-ball to-day will be between '85 and '87.

The second band concert will probably be given on Monday evening.

The brass band will rehearse to-day, at 4.30 P.M. A concert may be expected on Monday evening.

Among the judges at the prize speaking last evening, were Professors Shaler, Smith, and MacVane.


The freshman crew, substitutes, and coxswain, yesterday occupied their training table at Memoriai.

The members of the Everett Athenaeum will give the farce "The Buzzard" to-night, at the reception of the first ten from '88.

The train for New Haven tomorrow morning will leave the Boston and Albany depot at 9, and will reach New Haven at 1.30. The game will be called at 3.30.

The Princetonian in commenting on the recent game with Yale, says: "We seem to have again 'outplayed our opponents at every point,' except that most important one-the score. We would therefore remind the nine that the college still expects the championship at their hands."

The Columbia College class races will be rowed on the Harlem River, Saturday.

A little premature ! "President Eliot, of Harvard, sailed for Europe Saturday, for a year's vacation."- Yale News.

The Yale Courant has challenged the Record to a game of base-ball for the bi-weekly editorial championship of Yale college.

The eighty-eight shell met with a serious accident day before yesterday. The freshmen will probably borrow the seniors shell for the rest of the year.

But one game in the preliminary "amateur" series remains to be played, that between the Mount Auburns and the CRIMSON. The game will be called at 1.30 this afternoon, on Jarvls.

The first championship lacrosse game for Harvard will be the game on Saturday with Princeton. Unfortunately the game will have to take place at the same time as the H. A. A. sports, so that use will be made of Jarvis field.

Mr. Wendell wishes re-written or corrected copies of all themes in Eng. 5 and 12, not yet handed in, to be sent to him as soon as possible. The section in Eng. 5 will meet regularly on May 18, 22, and 27; and all men in the course are requested to send in as soon as possible, with two or three subjects for the examination written on the outside, their blue books.

In the class races of the University of Pennsylvania. held last week, the sophomores were victorious, coming in three lengths ahead of the juniors; while the crew from the Medical School, the seniors and freshmen, followed in the order given. The race was rowed in four-oared gigs, over a mile and a half course. Time of winning crew, nine minutes and eight seconds.

Out of respect for the memory of the late Mr. Strauss, no recitation was held in German 5, last Wednesday morning. Professor Bartlett, before dismissing the class, spoke of the high regard in which he had always held the deceased student. Mr. Strauss, but a day or two previous to his death, had presented a theme on "Faust." In the paper, his thorough conscientiousness and accuracy were shown.
