

FRESHMAN NINE. The nine and substitutes will meet in front of Weld at 11.30 sharp this morning, to go to Andover. Round trip tickets can be obtained from the manager for $1.00.

W. H. RAND, JR.LACROSSE TWELVE. Men who have been measured for uniforms are requested to call at Brine's before 4 P.M. this afternoon, and get their caps and jerseys.

'85 AND '87 SPORTS.- The following is the programme for the '85 and '87 sports, which will take place to-day at 4 P.M.:

'87. Quarter-mile run.- H. L. Clark, E. F. Fessenden. '87. Pole vault.- Craig, Dudley. Three mile walk.- E. C. Wright, '86. 1 1 2 min. handicap.- H. H. Bemis, '87. '85. Quarter-mile-Foster, Haines, Woods. '85. Half-mile.- Roberts, Brandt, Root, Davidson.

All contestants will be examined by Dr. Sargent before taking part.


Entries for Saturday's meeting close to-day at 8 P.M. The University meeting will begin at 2.30 P.M., promptly, Saturday. Admission, 50 cents.

NEW HAVEN TRIP. Enough men have already signed to bring the round trip fare down to $5.00; if 85 men sign before Friday at noon, the fare will be only $4.00 for the round trip. These tickets will be good from Saturday A.M. until Sunday night, and by paying a small sum in addition, will be good from Friday afternoon to Monday night, so that those who wish to accompany the nine on the whole trip, can use the same tickets. As this game has more than ordinary importance in the championship series, it is sincerely to be hoped that Harvard will send a large delegation to New Haven, and thus encourage the nine by their presence and cheers. The rates are as follows for round trip: 25-29, $5.70; 30 34, $5.40; 35 39. $5 20; 40. 44, $5.00; 45 49, $4.90; 50 74, $4.80; 75-99, $4.20; 100 or over, $4.00.


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