
Fact and Rumor.

Rev. Phillips Brooks preached in the Chapel last evening.

Nine tennis courts are to be laid out in the new athletic field at Yale.

Dr. C. C. Foster, '81, has returned from Paris, and is now in Cambridge.

There was quite a large attendance of ladies at the lacrosse game Saturday.

Lacrosse players are requested to be on Jarvis Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock promptly.


There is a movement in the college press at Cornell in the direction of the establishment of a course in shorthand.

Seven "amateur" nines have entered for the cups offered by the CRIMSON. Attention is called to the notice in another column.

John E. Ingalls, of Denmark, Iowa, a student of Phillips Academy, was drowned in the river at Exeter while bathing Saturday afternoon.

The little shelter built on Holmes Field by the H. A. A. is much appreciated by the candidates for the Mott Haven team, who use it constantly.

To-morrow evening Phillips Brooks will deliver a lecture on "Tolerance," in St. John's Memorial Chapel; the lecture will be repeated on Wednesday evening.

The spring athletic meeting will be held at Yale on Wednesday, May 6; the Harvard spring meeting will be held on Saturday, May 16, the day when we play our first game with Yale, at New Haven.
