
Harvard Union.

An unusually large audience listened to the debate at the Harvard Union last night. The subject was, "Resolved: That Russian Nihilism is justifiable." The vote on the merits of the question resulted in 67 votes for the affirmative and 43 for the negative. The following gentlemen spoke as principal disputants, affirmative, A. B. Houghton, '86, and E. J. Rich, '87; negative, A. C. Boyden, '86, and J. M. Merriam, '86. The skill in argument was decided in favor of the negative by a vote of 70 to 39.

When the question was thrown open to the house, an animated and interesting debate ensued. The following gentlemen spoke from the floor, affirmative, Mahany, '88, Bronson, Sp., J. W. Richardson, '86, Duane, '88, Shaughnessy, L. S., Hutchings, '86, Cotter, '87, Hammerslough, '88, Barry, '89, Barber, '87, Frye, Sp.; negative, Loeb, '88, Hamilton, '87, Campbell, '86, Kilvert, '89, A. B. Robinson, '87, Shoemaker, '89, Bolster, '86, Page, '88, Reisner, '89, McAffee, Sp. The vote on the merits of the debate as a whole stood, affirmative, 15; negative, 24.

The question for the next debate to be held Jan. 14, will be, "Resolved: That the percentage system of marking in vogue at Harvard should be abolished."
