
University Calendar.


Appleton Chapel. Rev. Minot J. Savage, 7.30 p.m.

16. MONDAY.English VI. Oral discussion, opened by Mr. Tyler: Minority representation. Sever 11, 3 p.m.

California History. Popular Government and Lynch Law in the Mines. Prof. Royce. Sever 11, 7.30 p.m.


17. TUESDAY.College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 3.30 p.m.

French Readings. Alfred de Musset, Histoire d'un Merle blanc, translation. Prof. Bocher. Sever 11, 7.45 p.m.

18. WEDNESDAY.English VI. Oral discussion, opened by Mr. Winkler: Abolition of Capital Punishment. Sever 11, 3 p.m.

Latin Readings. Virgil. The story of Dido and Aeneas. Mr. Parker. Sever 11, 7.30 p.m. Prof. Dyer will finish reading the "Medea" on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving Day.

19. THURSDAY.Mathematical Seminar. University 19, 4 p.m.

Harvard Union Debate. Sever 11, 7.30 p.m. Question: Resolved, "That Capital Punishment should be abolished."

FORENSICS.The first senior forensic will be received on Tuesday, Nov. 17, from 1 to 2 p.m., in Sever 1. Overdue forensics will not be accepted by the Instructor unless the writers have satisfied the Dean that the delay of their work was unavoidable.
