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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON.-We take great pleasure in sending you this extract from a letter written by Ex-President Hill, of Harvard College, concerning the question of voluntary prayers, a letter called forth by the present movement in their favor. The letter was forwarded with a note from Mr. Hill, giving permission to publish it.

X.My DEAR SIR:-I took the letter and postal card which you forwarded me, concerning prayers at Harvard College to the Rev. Asa Dalton, vice-president of the Maine Harvard Club, and we carefully considered them. He authorized me to say that he cordially agreed with me in what I am about to say. We sympathize fully in regard to the object at which the young gentlemen arm. It is, in our judgment, impolitic, if not unjust, to require attendance at prayers of all undergraduate 8 rooming within a half-mile, or within a quarter mile of the chapel. There ought to be a provision by which students over twenty-one, and the parents of those under twenty-one could obtain release from the requisition. It would give reality to the religious import of attendance. At Antioch a student to whom I gave permission, at his father's request, to be always absent, become immediately regular and punctual in coming; he had, it appears, complained only of the compulsion, and was willing and glad to come when free.."
