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We have been requested, now that the examinations have begun, to comment upon a fact, which, though not very new, is certainly very true,-the fact that it is almost impossible to study when "musical instruments" are being made use of in their neighborhood. We have spoken so often of this musical nuisance that it is with some hesitation that we again broach the subject, and yet, despite all that can be said, there are always a few men thoughtless enough to disturb those at work. Of all times in the year, the annuals is the one which ought to be held most sacred for "grinding," and any one who forgets this, and wantonly disturbs his fellows is guilty of an almost unpardonable piece of forgetfulness. We would like to keep silence on this subject forever hereafter, but it will probably always be necessary to utter a few words of warning about examination time, and in accordance with the good old custom, we say them now.
