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The class of '84 has again to mourn the loss of one of its most esteemed members. For, in the death of Aaron Roger Crane, not only a class but the entire college has lost a friend. He died early on Wednesday morning from heart-disease. His death was as sudden as it was unexpected, and coming so soon before his graduation it seems especially sad. He was born on March 18, 1861, his home was at Newton Highlands. He was the oldest son of Moses G. Crane. He prepared for Harvard at the Newton High School and entered the freshman class in the fall of 1880. His great physical strength gained for him one of the foremost places in college athletics. At the winter meetings of his sophomore year he won first prizes in both wrestling and rope-climbing. He also held a prominent place on the University foot-ball team in both his junior and senior years, and as a member of the tug of-war team which represented Harvard at the last inter-collegiate games in New York his great strength contributed much toward the success of that event. He was always conscientious in his college work and maintained a good standing throughout. His moral character was without blemish, and his temperance in all things was well-known to everyone. Simple and abstemious in his habits, he was the very model of good health. His kindness, generosity and straightforwardness of character made him the general favorite of his acquaintances and gained friends for him wherever he went.
