

No Headline

It seems a great pity that the intercollegiate games at New York were not managed a little better financially than they were. Crowds always attend athletic games in that city and the reason for the comparatively small audience at the college sports must have been due to poor advertisement, for college games attract besides those ordinarily interested in athletics, a large crowd of college graduates and undergraduates who go to New York from a distance on purpose. The Sprint of the Times lays this to the committee who, it says, "Seemed to have taken especial care that the public should not be informed about their sports. No advertisements were issued, no information sent to the newspapers, no entry lists forwarded for publication. No games ever given in New York city received such scant preliminary notice. Possibly the committee were stupid ; perhaps they were restrained by that haughty disregard for common people which saturates so many undergraduates; maybe the coy contestants shrank from exposing their scantily-clothed limbs to the critical gaze of an indiscriminate assembly. But from whatever cause, the fact remains that the games were miserably advertised. Making a liberal allowance for complimentary and competitors' tickets, the assembly could not have exceeded 1,500. This 1,500 represented the personal friends of the contestants, and graduates and undergraduates of the various colleges, but the 2,300 outsiders, who would have been present if their attention had been called to the meeting, were missing. Not two miles away 5,000 people saw one base-ball match and 4,000 another, while 6,000 attended the horse races, and certainly 4,000 would have witnessed these games if they had been properly placed before the public."

There are so many college clubs interested in the receipts that they ought to be increased to the utmost, that the burden incurred for sending men to the games may be lightened as much as possible. To this end we urge the H. A. A. to influence the committee in charge for next year to have a little more care that this fault is remedied in the future.
