

Princeton's senior class numbers one hundred and thirteen men.

Courses 1, 3 and 6 in German will be conducted by Dr. Francke next year.

Professor Bocher will return the marks in French 8 within a week.Oberlin College has received $50,000 for the establishment of a school of music.

The descriptive pamphlets of the electives in Botany any French may now be had at the office.

The Yale Record says that the faculty have offered the members of its board $400 apiece to stop publication.


A full description of the requirements for honors in English has been posted on the University bulletin.

Copies of the Senior Class Song have been received by Mr. Hamlin, the chorister.

Mr. J. H. Huddleston, '86, is one of the associate editors of the Delta Upsilon Quarterly.

The oral examination for Honors in Natural History will be at the Zoological Museum on Friday, 6th inst.

The written examination for Honors in Natural History will be held at the Botanic Garden, at 10 o'clock on Wednesday.

All members of Chemistry 1 who have not received their note books, may obtain them at the laboratory after half-past two, today.

In accordance with the usual custom, the Observatory will be thrown open for inspection to members of the senior class today and tomorrow.

The Columbia College Law School graduated 107 LL. B.'s.

At Amherst hereafter, no student shall enter any athletic games, base-ball or foot-ball, without the permission of the department of physical education and hygiene.

Of the inter-university games held in the last 21 years, Cambridge has won 11, Oxford 9, and one was a draw.

The Amherst College senior vacation will begin Wednesday, June 18, and extends to Sunday, June 29.

Of the thirty-seven graduates at West Point this year, seventeen are sons, nephews, or other relatives of army or navy officers.

President Eliot responded to the toast of "Harvard University" at the dinner of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, Monday evening.

By defeating the Philadelphias, yesterday, the Bostons are now first, as on the same afternoon the Providence club was defeated by the New Yorks.

The statue in bronze of Rev. John Harvard, the founder of Harvard, which is to be given by General Samuel J. Bridge to the University, is being cast and will probably be dedicated about Sept. 26.

Tho game of lacrosse between the freshman twelve and the Somerville which was to have taken place yesterday afternoon, was postponed until Thursday, because the Somerville men were unable to bring a full team out.

The average cost of a boy at Eton is estimated to be from L180 to L220; at Harrow, from L135 to L180; at Winchester, L115; at Rugby, L112; at Charter House, L110, and at Marlborough L110 to L100. The cost at Eton is therefore obviously excessive, and it is questioned whether any one connoted with it could give a good reason for this.

The News mades the following remarks on the recent game with the Beacons: "The nine played a game with the Beacons of Boston on Saturday. The playing all around was very poor and the game characterized by wretched batting on our side. The result, however, was no doubt to a large extent due to the fact that the players were interested so much in the game going on at the other field that they failed to give proper attention to their own work." The score was, Beacon 10, Yale 2.
