

A prominent daily paper discourses thus upon the pleasing prospects for young graduates: "The announcements of approaching college commencements herald another harvest of baccalaureates, doctors and lawyers. There is no need to ask what is to become of them. The professions, like horse-cars, have always room for one more, though some will have to stand or simply cling on as best they can. A goodly number of these coming graduates, like too many that have gone before them, are, no doubt, strongly impressed with a sense of their utility or their singular fitness for life in what they regard as the more civilized portion of the country. There are some who are roused by the ambition of a Marlborough-to amass a great fortune. Others are sure they are born to stir the world. Others, still, have the spirit of a Swift, who only labored to distinguish himself that he might be used "like a lord," and that the "reputation of great learning might do the work of a blue ribbon and a coach-and-six." Numbers, too, like Charles Lamb, are carried away with the idea that a life of leisure is the great object to be sought after. But

Thoughts tending to ambition, they do plot

Unlikely wonders,

and the average newly-fledged graduate has only to breast the larger world out-side his college walls to find that there is astonishingly little of all he thought he knew that can at once be turned to practical account. He soon realizes that a degree is to be valued for what it helps him to do, rather than for its prestige."
