

The faculty have indefinitely suspended two Dartmouth editors of the senior class, Ladd, managing editor, and Lovell. Objections were made to the language and sentiments of a communication by Lovell in the last issue criticising the faculty's action in refusing to extend the time for handing in prize essays, and also to editorials by Ladd, one calling attention to the communication and indorsing it, and another characterizing the marking system, compulsory attendance at religious exercises and the closing of the reading-room on Sunday as absurd features not by any means peculiar to Dartmouth, and advocating the formation of an association of students to supplement the power of petition. After a protracted meeting the faculty voted by a majority of one to expel the authors of the articles should they refuse to retract their statements. The minority vote was in favor of immediate expulsion without opportunity to retract. The two men were given a short time to apologize and retract and on their failure to do this to the complete satisfaction of the faculty, they were indefinitely suspended.

A later dispatch from Dartmouth says that the men are not suspended, the trustees as yet having taken no action. This later communication says that instead of expulsion the with-holding of degrees was recommended. As the matter now stands, there is some uncertainty, and we shall have to wait for further confirmation before finally believing either report.
