

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our cumulus, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON.-The various schemes that are proposed to change the nature and form of some of our college buildings are, to say the least, astonishing, and reflect great credit upon the ingenuity and imagination of the average student's mind. Harvard and Massachusetts Hall have tarnished abundant food to the minds of half a dozen inventive genie, and plan upon plan has been handed in to make the latter building useful as well as ornamental. The few examinations held in Massachusetts cannot compensate either faculty or students for the loss of valuable space which might be used for recitation rooms. Amid the general craze for improvement the old gymnasium has come in for its share of discussion, and perhaps is the most worthy building of all to be put into active use. It is a shame that it should be suffered to remain idle as it is at present when one thinks of the many victories gained by the ball teams that it has contributed toward the college's athletic standing. Among many suggestions, one, the turning the building into a swimming bath, ought to receive careful consideration at the hands of the faculty. A fair-sized bath might be made in the building at not a great expense as the shape of the building is not of any material hindrance. The site is not a bad one for such a purpose, and while a swimming bath connected with the new gymnasium might be somewhat more convenient, yet, the present site of the old gymnasium is fairly central, and near Memorial. Lockers might be placed about the walls and thus in the autumn it could be used as headquarters for the foot-ball teams, while in the early spring the base-ball and lacrosse teams could occupy it. As the swimming tank could be boarded over in winter it would pay to have a number of chest weights, or even rowing apparatus there, thus enabling the student whose tendency is not toward prize athletics to get some show at the weights in the new gymnasium. If the above intricate suggestion is impracticable, then let the Bicycle Club, as has been already remarked in these columns, occupy the building as a club house, storing the bicycles there during the winter. It certainly is surprising that so much room and such a large building is altogether taken up with the stores of the Cooperative Association which could be placed just as well as not in some of the upper floors of Dane Hall.

