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Cannot we hope to have one more informal open-air concert by the glee club before the term closes? The evenings are now so delightful, and the work so nearly over that everyone can fully appreciate an hour of song and music after dinner, as was well demonstrated by the attendance which the guitar playing and singing one evening early this week attracted, and that too, in the very middle of the finals. Moreover, the present senior class contains so many men with trained voices of good quality that the students will consider it a great treat if they can have the present glee club sing again before it loses forever the men from eighty-four who have done so much to strengthen it during their course here at college. On class day evening when the club gathers for the last time to sing in the evening, not all are able to hear them as the attention of many is attracted in other directions; but a quiet hour of song on some evening before next Friday would add another pleasant memory of Cambridge to the store of those who are soon to leave it when the long vacation begins.
