

The next reading in Greek 1, will be Theocritus.

Yesterday afternoon was chilly in more respects than one.

Amherst was well represented on the spectators seats yesterday.

A large number of graduates were among the spectators yesterday.

The bicycle men are getting in some excellent practice on the new track.


The usual large "outside" audience witnessed the game yesterday.

Marks of conditioned men in Algebra are posted in the south entry of University.

The new track is now in almost perfect condition, and is being carefully cared for.

Advanced sections in freshman Greek will read the "Clouds" of Aristophanes.

At Little Rock University a sophomore has been fined two dollars for kissing a coed. [Ex.

Three home runs in a single game is a record that has seldom been surpassed on Jarvis Field.

Let every one attend this afternoon's game and give the nine the heartiest possible support.

The complaints about lost umbrellas at Memorial, have almost ceased since the new checking system was put into operation.

Coolidge received a very painful injury to his hand yesterday, losing a finger-nail.

The ladies who braved yesterday's storm were but poorly repaid for their loyalty to the crimson.

Although over a month has passed since the examination in freshman Latin, no marks have been given out.

"Twelve Days in the Saddle" is the title of a book which has just been issued by Dr. Slade, a graduate of '60.

The freshman crew is particularly unfortunate in losing so good an oar as Burgess, when the races are so near.

Members of Greek 1 will be allowed to substitute the mark obtained at Monday's examination for the passage from Aeschylus, on the final paper.

Our freshman nine is now on a par with the Yale freshmen. Each team has met with a square defeat at the hands of a preparatory school nine.

President White, of Cornell, has been chosen delegate-at-large from New York to the Chicago Convention. He has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the presidency.

Clark, the captain and left fielder of the Princeton nine, has been so injured as to be obliged to resign his position. John Harlan, '84, the catcher, has been elected captain, in his place.

Among the candidates for the Mott Haven tug-of-war team are Easton, captain and anchor, Batchelder, C. P. Curtis, Fiske, Oglesby, Crane and Gorham, besides several other men who are not yet decided.

Of the Harvard freshmen, 99 per cent. part their hair in the middle, 38 per cent. use oil of bergamot, 10 per cent. go to recitations without gloves, 67 per cent. chew tobacco, 17 per cent. eat hasheesh. [Princetonian.

According to the new constitution of the base-ball association at Princeton, the nine shall be chosen by a committee of three, consisting of the captain and two men whom he shall select as sure of positions on the nine.

Harvard claims that her recently formed canoe club is the first organization of the kind formed at an American college. We dislike very much to appear critical, but we would like to suggest that a similar club has been leading an active life here for several years. [News.
